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The study of Religion is compulsory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 12 in schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Students in primary school complete 150 minutes of Religious Education per week.

The K-12 Religion Syllabus attempts to retell the story of Jesus and the Church, using language intelligible to young people of the 21st century. The Syllabus focuses on the Catholic story in the larger context of the wider world, thus issues related to justice, morality and building a better world are explored in dialogue with the Catholic Christian context.

The K-12 Religion syllabus has, as its fundamental aim, to enhance or promote knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Community: its story, its experiences and its teachings.

Students explore 4 main strands:

  • Jesus and Scripture
  • History and Beliefs
  • Celebration and Prayer
  • Justice and Morality

At St Paul’s all students prepare and attend Masses and liturgies. Frequent visits are made to our church and the Eucharist and Reconciliation are celebrated on a regular basis. Religion provides valuable lessons on how to live life and is a very important part of our school curriculum and our lives, as it helps to prepare for the future.

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